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cartoon 6678

A very impressive resume. I really like your career goal of ruling the world.

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cartoon 6681

I have a new app that can instantly find embarrassing social media photos of anyone within 3 meters. Wow! Is this you?

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cartoon 6682

Why, yes, this is the idiot who sold you the coolant tank. How may I help you?

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cartoon 6683

Store window: Better Adjectives. Same Nouns.

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cartoon 6691

Will you be able to get it done in the next six minutes? Please don't waste time telling me no.

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cartoon 6693

No no no no no no no no no no. Ten decisions in ten seconds. Not bad!

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cartoon 6694

Of course I read the instructions. I didn't understand them, but I read them.

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cartoon 6754

You look like an especially charming and witty person. I bet you have a really clever password. What is it?

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cartoon 6790

I'm looking for someone who can follow my instructions exactly while achieving good results anyway.

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cartoon 6792

Are you finished saying no yet? Because I'm ready to start discussing yes now.

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